Catering Menu
Catering straight to your doorstep! Let’s party!
Get ready to indulge in happiness served on a plate with Classified Catering Menu! From freshly prepared salads and chef’s delights to irresistible pizzette, pasta, snacks, and desserts, our menu has something for everyone. Each item is perfect for 5-7 persons, making it ideal for your party needs!
And of course, no party is complete without drinks! Pair the delicious food with our selected wines and juice to make the party more fun!
Don’t stress about cooking for your next gathering. Let us take care of it with Classified Catering Menu. Order today and get ready to celebrate in style!

Outside Catering Delivery Service 外賣到會送貨服務
Hong Kong Island, Kowloon or New Territories HK$250 per order. 香港島、九龍或新界每單港幣 250 元。
Delivery service is not available for Lantau Island and other outlying islands (including Discovery Bay). 送貨服務不適用於大嶼山及其他偏遠地區(包括愉景灣)。
At least 3 working days in advance booking is required. 請於送貨日期前最少三個工作天訂購。
Free delivery services for self pick-up or upon purchase of HK$3,000 or above. 於分店自取或訂單總額滿港幣$3,000 或以上,可享免費送貨服務。
Outlets for self pick-up 自取分店:
Classified (Mon – Sun, Public Holidays 星期一至日及公眾假期):
Happy Valley 跑馬地 | 13 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley, Hong Kong 跑馬地毓秀街 13 號 | 2891 3454
Tai Hang 大坑 | 1-9 Lin Fa Kung Street West, Tai Hang, Hong Kong 大坑蓮花宮西街 1-9 號 | 2857 3454
Repulse Bay 淺水灣 | Shop 107, 1/F The Pulse, 28 Beach Road, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong 淺水灣海灘道 28 號 The Pulse 1 樓 107 號舖 | 2351 3454
Stanley 赤柱 | Shop G08A, G/F, Stanley Plaza, 23 Carmel Road, Stanley, Hong Kong 赤柱佳美道 23 號赤柱廣場地下 8 號 A 舖 | 2563 3454
Rise by Classified (Mon – Fri, except Public Holidays 星期一至五,公眾假期除外):
Central 中環 | Shop 313, 3/F, Exchange Square Podium, 8 Connaught Road Central, Central 中環干諾道中 8 號交易廣場 3 樓 313 號舖 | 2631 3454
1. The transportation fee only includes the delivery of the food order to the customer’s designated delivery location (Does not include setting up the food order). We can provide services on site, please check when placing the order for the extra charges. 送貨收費只包括將食物送抵客人指定之收貨地點,並不包括拆箱服務。如有需要,可於下單時備註「需要侍應服務」以便提供報價。
2. For tenement building or village house (for those with no elevators) *Additional upstairs delivery service fee will be charged OR *Arrange for delivery on the ground floor. The extra delivery fee must be paid by the customer in cash to the driver when receiving the order. (Please notify us of any additional service arrangement you would like, when placing your order for delivery.) 送貨地點如不設電梯(唐樓或村屋) *須收取額外上樓送貨服務費 或 *安排於地面交收(額外上樓送貨費用須由客戶收貨時以現金支付司機,下單時請備註樓層以便安排)
3. Delivery services only are available from 10:00 – 19:00, please contact us for other delivery schedule. 送貨服務時間只適用於早上10時至晚上7時,如需於其他時間送貨,請於下單前向我們查詢。
Terms and Conditions 條款及細則:
1. All Food will be packaged in aluminium foil or paper containers. 所有食物將以錫紙或紙製外賣盒盛載。
2. 10 sets of disposable cutlery will be provided, each extra set will be charged at HK$5. 每份訂單均附上10 份即棄餐具,額外餐具為每份5 元。
3. Pre-order 3 working days in advance. 請於送貨日期前三個工作天訂購。
4. Arrangement under typhoon no. 8. or black rainstorm signal: *The delivery service will be cancelled if Typhoon signal No. 8 or Black Rain or above is hoisted less than 3 hours before the delivery time. Reschedule the order within 30 days (subject to availability) with at least 10 days advance notice. all payment is not refundable. 8號風球或以上及黑雨下之安排:*如8號風球或黑雨於送貨前3小時懸掛,送貨服務將會取消。顧客可於30天以內就此更改到會日期及重新安排送貨,惟所有已繳付的款項不設退還。
5. Advance full payment is required. (Payment method: Cash, VISA, Master or AE Credit Card) 本公司須於確定訂單時,收取訂單全數金額。(可以現金、VISA、 MASTER 或AE信用咭支付)
6. All confirmed items cannot be changed. 所有已確認之訂單將不設更改。
7. All payment is non-refundable. 所有已繳之費用將不設退還。
8. Classified Limited reserves the right of final decision. 如有任何爭議,Classified Limited保留最終決定權。